최근본상품 0


    추천상품 0


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        위시리스트 0



          상품번호 : 819
          페이스북 트위터 
          Realtime editing platform
          Mobile Viewpoint PostLink
          판매가 0
          무이자할부 카드안내 X
          3~12개월 5만원이상
          3~12개월 5만원이상
          3~12개월 5만원이상
          3~12개월 5만원이상
          3~12개월 5만원이상
          3~12개월 5만원이상
          3~12개월 5만원이상
          3~12개월 5만원이상
          브랜드 PostLink
          고객평가 0건  ★★★★★ 0/5
          총 상품금액 0
          상품설명 상품후기 (0) 상품문의 (0) 교환/반품/배송정보



          Realtime editing platform


          The PostPlatform is the new solution for realtime editing of proxy files and contains the PostLink unit and the PostHub software. If you are out in the field shooting news or other time-sensitive content, you can transfer files wireless with the PostLink unit. So there is no need to wait for the delivery of physical media. The receiving server gets a high resolution edit file from the original source, with all the original audio, video and metadata, based on the EDL. The PostLink unit in cooperation with the PostHub software automates the offline production of content, transferring real time proxy files and high res fragments based on edit lists. PostLink uses bonded wireless networks to transfer the low res files to the backend editing systems.




          As soon as the PostHub receives the low res proxy files, there can be started with the post production process. When the process with the low res proxy files is finished and the first EDL files are available, the PostLink will send frame accurate the selected high res media parts from its solid state disk (SSD) and transfers them using bonded wireless and wired IP channels. This can be Wi-Fi, 3G/4G and any other IP channel. The PostLink has by default a 1TB SSD which be swapped any time.


          Integrated in Post Production Applications


          The PostLink is designed to integrate with AVID systems, but is now compatible with more post production applications. The interface of the PostHub is based on the well-known XDCAM cam packaging structure and EDL file lists.


          Camera mount or in a backpack


          The PostLink fits on the back of an ENG camera, but can be carried in a special backpack as well.


          QR Code file recognition


          To fully automate the naming of the transferred files, the PostLink recognizes QR codes with content information which can be scanned by using the camera before the take starts. The PostLink starts recording as soon as the record button on the camera is pressed or on the unit itself







          - 2 x RJ-45

          - SD and HD SDI

          - SD and HD HDMI

          - 6.3 mm Jack IFB/Audio return

          - 2 x USB

          - Touch screen

          - Optional SSD 2.5" sleeve



          - SD; full D1

          - HD; 720p50, 720p60 and 720p59,94, 1080P30

          - HD; 1080i50, 1080i60 and 1080i59,94


          Supported Encoding

          - H 264 high profile MVP codec

          - H.265 main profile



          - 8 Modems, LTE(4G), fallback 3G

          - WiFI

          - Ethernet



          - 1 TB; upgradabel



          - WiFi hotspot

          - Access via ethernet interface


          IP Management

          - 10/100/1000 base-T (combined with second Ethernet port)



          - Dedicated appliance 12-24 volt

          - Weighs approximately 1,1 kilograms

          - 15cmx25cmx6cm (Wxhxd)


          Operations settings

          - PostPro: In this mode the system records next to a high res CBR a low res proxy file which can used for remote editing and only partial retrieve

          - Recording: CBR encoding at 30 Mbit on internal or external SSD disk

          - Live; Adaptive encoding and bitrate change with three options or with a slider (optional), with configurable delay between 1-60 seconds

          - Store and Forward: send over contents of an USB stick to a FTP server; available with separate license

          - Satellite + 3G/4G+ BGAN: Specific modes to optimize transmission over BGAN and KA satellite; available with separate license

          - With Satellite +3G/4G we can keep the delay at 1.8 seconds using 3G/4G modems for the return channel and IFB.; available with separate license

          - Stand-by/Databonding: In this mode the unit is a true databonding unit for high speed uploads and Internet access. Also in the other modes data connectivity is available but live video gets prioritized; available by separate license


          Aerials (optional)

          - Dome Antenna; omniderectional antenna array 3 dBi



          - Integrated antenna array

          - PSU 90-220 Volt AC to 12 Volt DC


          Additional Accesories

          - Custom made backpack

          상품설명 상품후기 (0) 상품문의 (0) 교환/반품/배송정보

          상품설명 상품후기 (0) 상품문의 (0) 교환/반품/배송정보

          회사명 : (주)한서 비엠티 | 사업자등록번호 : 113-86-20121 [사업자정보확인] | 주소 : 서울특별시 구로구 디지털로30길 31 (구로동, 코오롱디지털타워빌란트Ⅱ) 303호
          통신판매업 신고 :
          | 연락처 : 02-2081-1691 | FAX : 02-2081-1695 | 개인정보관리 책임자 : 최정자 | 대표자 : 신재호
          contact : info@han-seo.co.kr for more information
          회원님의 소중한 개인정보 보호를 위해 비밀번호를 주기적으로 변경하시는 것이 좋습니다.
          현재 비밀번호
          신규 비밀번호
          신규 비밀번호 확인
          6~20자, 영문 대소문자 또는 숫자 특수문자 중 2가지 이상 조합